Engineering success
Driving success
Communicate with reports

Slack reports


Each team in Echoes can schedule automated reports on the Slack channel of their choice:

  • The daily report presents the detailed status of ongoing work items.
  • The weekly report summarizes the previous week's activity on company outcomes and initiatives.

Understanding the reports

Daily report

Echoes can send a detailed status of ongoing work items to the Slack channel of your choice.

It shows each open GitHub pull request and GitLab merge requests, together with the time spent in its current development phase so far.

The daily report is sent every weekday (Monday to Friday) at the configured time.

Echoes daily report in Slack
Echoes daily report in Slack

Weekly report

Echoes can send a summary of the previous week to the Slack channel of your choice.

It shows how efforts were allocated across your primary dimension and initiatives, and the variation compared to the week before.

The weekly report is sent on Monday at the configured time.

Echoes weekly report in Slack
Echoes weekly report in Slack

The weekly report presents the following elements:

  • A visual cue of the past week's allocation. Each block represents 10% of the team's capacity, with the color of the corresponding nodes and initiatives.
Document image

  • For each node and initiative: the allocation over the past week, the variation compared to the previous week, and a visual cue of how much this represents on the total. In the example below, the team has allocated 20% of its efforts on Risks (a +5 variation since the week before, during which the team allocated 15% of its efforts on that same intent). The last block on the line is a visual cue to make the level of allocation easily compared with the other lines.
Document image

The weekly report, contrary to its daily counterpart, presents the efforts of the selected team together with all of its sub-teams. While the daily report shines for the "leaves" of the organization where the work happens, the weekly report is a great fit for larger group channels. Echoes makes for example possible to setup a weekly report at the root of the organization, linked to a channel which would include all of your product engineering staff.

Configuring Slack notifications

Slack notifications are configured on a team-per-team basis, within a team's settings:

Slack notifications settings
Slack notifications settings

Once connected to the Slack channel of your choice, Echoes lets you configure which reports should be sent, and at which time of the day (in your local timezone).

Privacy policy

The Echoes integration for Slack is covered by Echoes' privacy policy.