Single sign-on
- In the Keycloak admin console, head to Clients and click Create
- Select SAML as Client Protocol and complete the ClientID and Client SAML Endpoint with the Echoes SP information that can be found on the configuration page.
- Click Save.

Create SAML client
You will then be redirected to the Keycloak configuration page of the client for further configuration.
On this page, you should have the following configuration
- Client Signature Required should be turned OFF
- Sign Documents & Sign Assertions should be turned ON

SAML client full configuration
In the Mappers section, configure the SAML attributes mapping required by Echoes.

Attributes mapping
All attribute's NameFormat should be Basic.

Email attribute

LastName attribute

Firstname attribute
Should have the form of: https://<your-keycloak-domain>/auth/realms/<your-realm>/protocol/saml
Can be found in the Keycloak realm's Keys -> Certificate.
Updated 03 Mar 2023
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