Reports in Echoes are organized around teams, making their configuration crucial to using the product.
Teams in Echoes form a tree hierarchy. That is, a team can have sub-teams and so on. Each team level is thus an interesting aggregation point for reported efforts. Members in your organization should be dispatched into teams. Members can be dispatched at any level of the organization. At any given time, a member is dispatched into one team at most. Otherwise, members can be left in the Undispatched special-team.

To make the best use of Echoes, teams should reflect a structure that is of importance for you, and members should be dispatched accordingly. Also, companies evolve with time. Thus, work is required to keep Echoes team and members dispatching up to date.
When a member changes of team, we still keep track of the past membership so that the allocation of efforts as seen in the past is correct in your reports.
We provide two ways to configure your team tree and the memberships: a manual configuration, and a CSV import.