
Scoped publication


Scoped publication lets you finely decide how dimensions and initiatives should be published to your different integration. For example, they let you configure that no label should be created for a given nodes on selected GitHub repositories.

Supported by GitHub, JIRA, and Linear

Scoped publishing is only available for GitHub, JIRA, and Linear integrations at this time. Please don't hesitate to reach out if that's something you'd like to see for additional integrations.

How to use

Publication settings can be found in the dimensions and initiatives edition page:

Dimension settings
Dimension settings

Both nodes and initiatives pages have an "Advanced" tab where publication settings can be found. Each of your installations will be listed and can be configured independently.

Node's publication settings
Node's publication settings

Expanding an installation will show its publication settings. For example in the case of a GitHub installation, Echoes will display the list of repositories and let you chose the ones on which a label should be created for this outcome or initiative.

Publication settings for a GitHub installation
Publication settings for a GitHub installation

Publishing to public repositories

Echoes does not publish your outcomes or initiatives as GitHub labels on public repositories by default. This is a defensive measure to avoid disclosing privileged roadmap information through labels. Publication to public repositories is controlled on a per-outcome and per-initiative basis through the "Allow publishing to public repositories" checkbox.

Scoped publishing and new repositories

Echoes assumes that all nodes and initiatives should be created on new repositories by default. This means that you don't have to update this configuration as new repositories appear for their labels to get created. However, you will have to update the configuration for specific nodes or initiatives you don't want published on a newly created repository.