Data connections
Data exports

Embed components


Embedded components allows to exports visual components of Echoes into a third-party platform such as Notion or Confluence.

Embeded components is an experimental feature.

Interested to use it? Do you have an additional platform supported? Please reach out to [email protected]!

Embed a compoment

Components that support embedding are easily noticeable by the action menu located at the top right.

Delivery score card embed
Delivery score card embed

By clicking on the Embed option of the menu, you will be prompted to copy either an embeddable link (for officially supported tools like Notion) or embed code (for a general purpose iframe).

Embed options
Embed options

Depending on the time range selected in the main filters e,g Last 4 weeks, Q1 it will offer the option to keep the widget in sync. Therefore, for any selected absolute or custom time range, an option will allow you to automatically rollover the data for the next cycle.

Auto update
Auto update


How do permissions work for iframe embeds?

The permissions for embedded components via iframes are the same as if that user were to open the link in a separate tab in its browser.

Does Notion embedding work in the Notion app?

Notion embedding only works in the browser. Due to Notion's architecture, Notion embeds use iframe embedding, which relies on authorizing through your browser.

Why is my embed component not displayed?

  1. Echoes currently supports Notion and Confluence only. If you need to support more platform, please let us know [email protected].
  2. Make sure to have the Block third-party cookies and site dataunticked in your browser Content Settings.

Updated 06 Oct 2023
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